​​St. Vincent de Paul, OLA Conference

Thank You Letter to OLA Parishioners

November 2023

Dear Our Lady of Angels (OLA) Parishioners,

The OLA St. Vincent de Paul Conference appreciates your continuing support to our mission to address the needs of those less fortunate who reside within our Parish Boundaries. To provide you an overview of that effort for FY2023 Year (10/1/2022 to 9/30/2023), we are advising you that we received from you during this period a total of $108,593 in monetary donations, and expended a total of $99,974 in funds in that same time period. Of these expenditures, $94,602 went directly toward providing for those in need, through the purchase of food to supplement the 35,661 pounds that you generously donated, as well as for direct payments of the utility and other expenses (car repairs, temporary lodging, funeral expenses, transportation, etc.) for the poor in our area.  In terms of direct financial assistance, we provided support to 241 families, consisting of 761 family members.

Through our Food Pantry operations we served 792 families, consisting of 3,563 family members. The food distributed also consisted of food we received without cost through our partnership with the Prince William Food Rescue Program and the Arlington Diocese St. Lucy's Pantry. In partnership with Belmont Elementary School's Backpack Buddy Program, and through a $5,000 grant we received from the SVdP National Council, we provided weekend food for students identified as at risk for food sufficiency due to family circumstances. This food was provided to between 30 to 51 students, initially on a monthly and then weekly weekend basis, from October 2022 to June 2023. and consisted of food items requiring little or no preparation by these students.

With your added support of the Angel Tag Tree Program, you generously provided Christmas gifts for 156 children from 56 needy families. In conjunction with this distribution of gifts, we were also able to distribute winter coats to many of these children, which were purchased on our behalf for distribution by the Our Lady of Angels Knights of Columbus.

In addition, we expended $5,372 for Conference expenses, such as utility payments for the Conference building, supplies (primarily for the Food Pantry), and building repairs and maintenance. These operating costs also included such items as personal injury insurance and website maintenance, through which website our potential Clients contact us for assistance.  Your generosity makes all these efforts possible, and again we thank you for you continuing support.  

If you are interested in learning about Volunteer activities with our organization or are seeking assistance  you can either visit our website, olasvdp.org or contact us by email, olasvdp@olasvdp.org or by phone, (571) 377-8371.

Respectfully, Members of the OLA SVdP Conference

Informe de la Conferencia de OLA San Vicente de Paul

La Conferencia de San Vicente de Paúl (SVDP) de OLA agradece su continuo apoyo a nuestra misión de atender las necesidades de los menos afortunados que residen dentro de las áreas atendidas por nuestra Parroquia de OLA. Para proporcionarle una visión general de ese esfuerzo para nuestro período de presentación de informes para el año fiscal 2023 (10/1/2022 a 9/30/23), le estamos informando que hemos recibido de usted durante este período un total de $108,593 en donaciones monetarias, que incluyen legados de las herencias de Edward Ettner y Richard L. Braun.  En ese mismo periodo gastamos un total de $99,974 en fondos. De estos gastos, $94,602 se destinaron directamente a atender a los necesitados, mediante la compra de alimentos para complementar las 35.661 libras que ustedes generosamente donaron, así como para pagos directos de servicios públicos y otros gastos (reparaciones de automóviles, alojamiento temporal, gastos funerarios, transporte, etc.) para los pobres de nuestra zona.  En términos de ayuda económica directa, hemos prestado apoyo a 241 familias, compuestas por 761 miembros.

A través de nuestras operaciones de despensa de alimentos servimos a 792 familias, que consisten en 3,563 miembros de la familia.  Los alimentos distribuidos también consistieron en alimentos que recibimos sin costo a través de nuestra asociación con el Programa de Rescate de Alimentos de Prince William y la Despensa de Santa Lucía de la Diócesis de Arlington.  En colaboración con el programa Backpack Buddy de la escuela primaria Belmont, y a través de una subvención de $5,000 que recibimos del Consejo Nacional del SVDP, proporcionamos alimentos durante el fin de semana a estudiantes identificados como en riesgo de suficiencia alimentaria debido a circunstancias familiares.  Esta comida se proporcionó a entre 30 y 51 estudiantes, inicialmente de forma mensual y luego semanalmente los fines de semana, desde octubre de 2022 hasta junio de 2023, y consistía en alimentos que requerían poca o ninguna preparación por parte de estos estudiantes.

Con su apoyo adicional al Programa Angel Tag Tree, usted generosamente proporcionó regalos de Navidad para 156 niños de 56 familias necesitadas. Junto con esta distribución de regalos, también pudimos distribuir abrigos de invierno a muchos de estos niños, abrigos que habían sido comprados y proporcionados a nuestra Conferencia por el Consejo de Caballeros de Colón de OLA.

Además, gastamos $5,372 en gastos de la Conferencia, como el pago de los servicios públicos del edificio de la Conferencia, suministros (principalmente para la despensa de alimentos) y reparaciones y mantenimiento del edificio. Estos gastos de funcionamiento también incluyeron partidas como el seguro de daños personales y el mantenimiento del sitio web, a través del cual nuestros clientes potenciales se ponen en contacto con nosotros para solicitar asistencia.  Su generosidad hace posible todo este esfuerzo, y de nuevo les agradecemos su continuo apoyo.

Si está interesado en conocer las actividades de voluntariado de nuestra organización o busca ayuda, puede visitar nuestro sitio web olasvdp.org o ponerse en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico en olasvdp@olasvdp.org o por teléfono (571) 377-8371. 

Respetuosamente presentado, por la Conferencia SVDP de OLA

Seeking Financial Assistance – Help Support Your Local Community

The OLA St. Vincent de Paul Conference is experiencing a significant decrease in needed monetary donations.  Since the beginning of October 2021 other than food assistance, the Conference has provided financial assistance to 194 families of whom 7% have been Parish members and the rest families in need within our Parish boundaries. Most recently this request for financial assistance has increased by approximately 50% beginning in March 2022, while at the same time the financial donations we receive have decreased by about 40%. This decrease in donations impacts our ability to assist local families who need help in meeting their basic needs.  The Conference is having to turn families away that need help with their utilities, transportation, auto repair, medical and funeral expenses.  We are reaching out to our Parishioners for assistance during such a challenging time. 

Donations can be made as follows:

  • Online via PayPal (visit https://www.olasvdp.org/donate.html)

  • Checks dropped in the mass collection baskets or mailed to St. Vincent de Paul, OLA Conference, 13752 Mary’s Way, Woodbridge, VA 22191

  • Cash donations placed in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box located on the left side of the Narthex as you leave the church

If you are interested in supporting OLA St. Vincent de Paul on a regular basis,
PayPal allows you to set up a recurring contribution of $10, $20, etc. per month.


Please help us support our local families in need.  May God bless you and your families through the love you show in your charity toward others.

Members, of the OLA St. Vincent de Paul Conference